Meeting New Friends in Green Turtle Cay
Made a big pot of chili this morning then decided to invite the neighbor boat over for lunch. Sue & Mike long-time cruisers were very helpful with info about the Abacos do’s and don’t’s. Whale Cay is the debate of the day, do you cross on the outside and risk big waves or do you cross in the shallow waters with possible grounding of your boat. Everyone seems to have an opinion about this , what to do, what to do, I guess it will be depending on the sea state and the tide. So we will be very careful in our timing of the crossing, we will be listening to the locals advice as well as be our own judge on how we feel about it. Maybe we will decide to follow our other new friends, Gigi and Joel when they cross on Monday. We shall see how it plays out “Sail La Vie”.

So anyway, Gigi & Joel and Brad and I went to the museum today and it was quite interesting learning about the Bahamian lifestyle and history of the people. The Albert Lowe museum is a fascinating glimpse into past of New Plymonth, Green Turtle Cays, an outer island of the Bahamas. Albert Lowe was also a painter, you will see some of his works of art in the museum.
One of his sons was a model maker. We went to visit Mr. Lowe at his shop but he was feeling ill at the time, so his partner Mr. Curry showed us around the shop and the model boats, they were beautiful Bahamian Work Boats. Brad may end up working with him to sell some of his models on his site.
Then we went to the local grocery store to pick up the homemade coconut bread that Joel ordered. Of course as soon as I heard about the special bread, I ordered 2 loaves to be picked up tomorrow. We had to settle for the white bread tonight but it was still delicious.
We had a very busy day today just socializing and walking around the town. We met so many people, Chris at the museum, Scott & what’s her name at the store, I can’t remember everyones names, and then there is Roy the owner of the Black Sounds Marina who is a character as well.