Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Cruising the Bahamas is not all Pina Colada’s and walking on the beach

·        Sometimes it is about sitting at anchorage with 30-40 nm wind and hoping that your anchor holds, so you don’t drift out to sea at night while your sleeping. Anchor watch on those nights     are important, waking up a couple times a night to make sure you are still in the same spot is a good idea. 
·        Sometimes it is about repairing broken parts of the boat in the middle of nowhere with minimal tools and minimal knowledge about how to go about doing that.
·        Sometimes it is about asking for help from anyone and everyone to try to get assistance in how to do the repair or replacement.
·        Sometimes people will surprise you when they say they would be happy to come over to your boat and help you with your project and then spend all day making sure you and your boat are ok. Which increases your faith in Humanity.
·        Sometimes there are storms which cause your stress and worry.
·        Sometimes it is dangerous and scary.
·        Sometimes you drag your anchor in the middle of the night and have to re-anchor or grab a mooring in the middle of a thunder and lightning storm.
·        Sometimes it is about making a crossing in not so good weather which makes a bumpy and uncomfortable ride.
·        Sometimes boats are money pits: upgrades, maintenance and repairs are ongoing projects.
·        Sometimes repairing boats in exotic places is truly what boating is all about.
·        Sometimes mosquitos take over the boat and make your life miserable.
·        Sometimes you fight with your shipmate about where to anchor, how to moore or dock the boat.
·        But sometimes you do see beautiful sunsets in the evening.
·        And sometimes you do explore uninhabited island with pink iguanas.
·        And sometimes you snorkel in the sea aquarium swimming with beautiful fish and coral.
·        And sometimes you find gorgeous Queen Conch shells laying on the beach.
·        And sometimes learn new skills about how to live a green lifestyle, using water & electricity sparingly, being aware of how you affect nature.
·        And sometimes you learn how to be more self-sufficient, doing things on your own that you would not even try at home.
·        And sometimes you just let go and let God, living on the boat helps you realize that you are truly not in control.  Depending on God is a good thing. God is the director of this show; pause, ask and wait for an answer.
·        And sometimes, yes there are Pina Colada and walks on the beach…

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